A FAMILY business, with family values.

On the invitation of Worcestershire County Council, we have committed to the Saffron Nutritional Analysis System to ensure that the meals are nutritious and healthy. We will prepare and cook all meals fresh and/or fresh ingredients whenever possible. We will offer a wide range of tasty and interesting choices that your students and staff will enjoy in conjunction with the school. Local fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables, bakery goods, and dairy items. We will make sure that healthy options are always available.

OUR vision for your school...

  • To provide a responsive and customer driven service
  • To increase sales turnover
  • To promote the use of local suppliers wheerever possible
  • Reduce packaging
  • To help fund improvements to the service
  • To provide a cost effective service
  • To offer a service using good quality ingredients
  • To maximise potential through stimulating marketing
  • To promote Healthy Eating